понедельник, 12 марта 2018 г.

Individual Aspects Leading To Emotional Intelligence Training Certification

By Lisa Howard

We are all human, and therefore all have emotions. It is not easy for everyone to push away their emotions and we, therefore, need to find a way to make them fit into every situation. At the place of work, you interact with different people who bring out different emotions in you. They may affect your decision-making ability, and this is why you need emotional intelligence training certification.

You should learn to see your emotions as pieces of information which will help you pursue the best. This is because every though generates an emotion. Thoughts occur naturally, but they bring out different feelings depending on what the mind is thinking about.

You should make sure that your emotions are compatible with your thoughts to prevent one from attracting stress which in turn may lead to stroke. Having the need to make decisions, especially business related requires you to have stable emotions.

You can only understand other people if you are able to understand yourself well and knowing from what situation they are in for you to be on the same page. People are hard to understand and considering you are one of them, you may have a difficult time understanding yourself. However, you can train yourself on how to understand yourself and the people around you. You can always take deep breathes when overwhelmed. Meditation is one of the methods for improving concentration span.

You should be respectful towards everyone no matter who they are. Nodding and mirroring the actions of people show that you are actually paying attention to them. Being respectful automatically generates emotions such as kindness and openness. You should also regularly complement people so that they feel appreciated and respected.

The same way we have different emotions, we also have different physical reactions. This however depends on the emotion that we are trying to express. Some reactions may be highly unpleasant but you would not know unless you have studied yourself in different situations. Therefore, always take a few seconds to observe how you physically react to different things.

If you want to reform, you should change your habits one at a time. You cannot magically wake up as the person you wanted to be. You will need to put in some effort. You can, for example, work on how you express yourself. You can practice on a trusted colleague, and they can tell you where you are going wrong.

Changing for the better cannot happen in one day. You will need to work as hard as possibly can if you truly want to change. Old habits die hard and it is only through effort and commitment you can change yourself. You can start small by venting to someone you trust and they can tell you what is missing. You may also record yourself and find the mistakes.

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